We are seeking establish a network of businesses who can act as role models and demonstrate their experiences of making Plymouth’s economy more inclusive across all five of the Charter themes – Spend, Upskill, Community, Employ, Environment.
What is the champion role?
We are seeking the help of those who are already committed to a fairer, greener future for Plymouth and support the city’s ambition to grow a prosperous economy that reduces inequality, is sustainable and truly serves the wellbeing of local people.
As a signatory of the Plymouth Charter, your help in driving this ambition forwards is critical to enabling a wider-reaching shift in behaviours and culture to achieve long-term inclusive growth for Plymouth.
How can I help?
Following the Inclusive Plymouth 2040 event, we are relaunching the Charter to pick up feedback from the event and to encourage more organisations to sign up. As an existing signatory, the lived experience throughout your organisation makes you a powerful advocate for championing how businesses can address the day to day challenges of inclusive growth in practice and the subsequent business benefits.
Your help in reaching and engaging with our next cohort of Charter signatories will be invaluable. This could be done in a number of ways, including:
Providing a case study on how signing up to the Charter has worked for you
Talking about the Charter in your newsletters, blogs, podcasts – we can provide you with relevant content
Following @Inc2040Plym on Twitter and sharing our content, using #Inc2040Plym – we will follow you back
Speaking to people in your networks or inviting us to come and speak to them
Acting as a mentor to businesses at the start of their inclusive growth journey
How can I get in touch?
We hope very much that you will take on the champion role. Your knowledge and experience is invaluable not only for raising awareness of the Charter itself, but also for advocating the benefits of making Plymouth a more inclusive and prosperous city that will benefit everyone.
To register your interest in becoming a champion, or if you have any further questions, please contact us at: plymouthcharter@plymouth.gov.uk