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Diversity & Inclusion Toolkit | Tech Nation

Tech Nation has provided a Diversity and Inclusion Toolkit with actionable insights and guidance to help founders build diverse and inclusive companies.

Diversity & Inclusion in the workplace is about more than just policies, headcounts and ticking boxes. Companies which place Diversity & Inclusion at the heart of their organisation seek to understand and respect each team member’s unique needs, views and potential. They will actively work to create an environment that welcomes every employee at every step of their journey; helping them to thrive and to be their best self at work. In turn, these companies will earn deep trust, respect and commitment from their employees; improving business outcomes as well as boosting company morale.

Although this toolkit is in the context of tech companies, the toolkits they've provided can be applied to almost any industry.

Read more on the Diversity and Inclusion Toolkit here where you can see where you can get started, and dive deep on how D&I can be applied in HR & People. Operations, Funding, Product, Sales and Customer Success and Marketing.


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