The Plymouth Charter
Action planning & contacts
Contact details of the panellists, exhibitors & champions to help you develop your plan from the Plymouth Charter Summit day.

Plymouth Charter invited signatories, and other employers in Plymouth to come together to provide answers and support around:
Health and wellbeing at work and what makes the biggest difference
Flexible jobs and how it can potentially grow your workforce
Real living wage and doing what seems like the impossible.
Net Zero & being green in the workplace
Topic ideas for the day were around:
Flexible working pressures
HR advice – managing tricky times
Mental Health support
Real Living Wages
Involving buyers and suppliers
Business energy and bills
Planning for green
Understanding resilience
Finding and retaining staff
There were 3 panel discussion on stage designed to make you think, and hopefully give you some fresh ideas, about how you do business and what you could do make your business, and the economy of Plymouth, fairer and more sustainable. Details and contacts of each panel are listed below.
Download a copy of an Action Plan worksheet.

Panel 1 – The Real Power of Social Value
Iridescent Ideas CIC
Arts University Plymouth
Plymouth Argyle FC
Violence Against Women & Girls
Diversity Business Incubator

Panel 2 – Experiences of implementation
Department of Work & Pensions
CityCare / City Security
Go SouthWest

Panel 3 – Planning for Green
Devon & Plymouth Chamber
University of Plymouth
Sir Fix-a-lock
YMCA Plymouth
Climate Connections